Mniobia scarlatina, between the leafs of Frullania dilatata. Another Mniobia-species living in the lobules of Frullania is Mniobia symbiotica. |
Mniobia scarlatina, head of the same specimen |
Mniobia scarlatina, detail of the integument. This species has unregular formed protuberances (which remind of pieces of a puzzle) with tiny pores. |
Mniobia scarlatina, anterior part of a specimen while creeping. Left image: focus plane on the rostrum lamella. Right image: the 1st neck pseudosegment which bears the dorsal antenna (DA) has two characteristic folds (arrowheads) that seem to be typical for this species (I have never seen this in other bdelloids.) |
Mniobia scarlatina, foot with adhesive plate and slightly bulbous, granulated spurs with wide interspace from two different specimens. |
Mniobia scarlatina, trophi with dental formula 7+1/1+7+1 |
According to BARTOS Mniobia scarlatina may be confused with Philodina rugosa coriacea, which has 4 toes instead of the adhesive plate, and also the dental formula is different (3+1/3+1). From own observations it is difficult to distinguish this species from M. magna, because the protuberances on the integument are not always visible. |
Location: Obfelden, Switzerland |
Habitat: Frullania dilatata on bark of oak tree |
Date: 27./28. 11.2017 |
Sample collection by courtesy of A. Bueschlen, swissbryophytes |